Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dual Coding

When I first looked at the picture, the visual element of the dual coding theory jumped out at me first. The picture is of a gym door- very plain and simple, with a few words written above it. It grabbed my attention because it reminded me of my own high school gym and I instantly felt some nastalgia. The plain scene made me want to inquire more into what the meaning of the door was, or where is was leading.
In order to inquire more into the ad, I next looked at the dual coding theory of language. The words written above the door read "Practice Like Champions. We Believe." This language is very effective in the fact that it ties in the nastalgia of the photo. Since I was already thinking back to my high school days, when I read "we believe" I felt instantly connected to the ad, as if I was a part of the concept on a whole. The words are inspirational and being an athlete myself, I felt like when I step into a gym, I really do need to give it my all because people believe in me. I thought back on times when I played volleyball and how I would practice hard so I could play hard.
The last thing I noticed was that it was a NIKE ad. I think this is effective advertising, because it got me to think about the product and relate to it, before ever even know what it was.

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